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Spectrum Open Houses: February 18 and 20, 2025

We are glad that you are interested in learning more about Spectrum Christian Homeschool Community.

Please join us for our Open Houses:

Tuesday, February 18, 10:30 a.m. - 3:40 p.m.

Thursday, February 20, 10:30 a.m. - 3:40 p.m.

Hope Baptist Church

8801 Stephens Road, Laurel, Maryland

Please come around to the back of the building (turning right upon entering the church lot and proceeding around to the back) and park.

The entrance to Spectrum is the single-door entrance under the awning. 

Please let us know you are coming by emailing [email protected].

Come for as much or as little of the day as you'd like. Check out our class schedule to determine what classes you would most like to see, and plan your visit accordingly. Should you have any questions after perusing the information on this page, please feel free to contact our Registrar, Jeneane Tolley, at  [email protected]. Jeneane or one of our Oversight Committee members would be happy to answer any questions you may have about Spectrum.

If you plan to visit us during our Open House days, please RSVP to [email protected] so that we know to expect you. 

A Registration Page will be visible on this website in early May. You will be able to view our class descriptions, booklists, and supply lists/supply fees there prior to registration. 

You may also check out our FAQs page for more information. 

Current Course Offerings 2024-2025

Please see our current 2024-2025 class schedule below. While next year's schedule will be different, this schedule will give you an idea of what we have in place this year. Next year's class offerings will be similar, but English and history will focus on the 19th century. Families may choose from one or many of our class offerings.

Current 2024-2025 Class Schedule

Please note that our Tuesday and Thursday schedules are different. 

School Year Calendar 2024-2025

We are excited for the upcoming school year! Please see below our current school year calendar to give you an idea of what to expect for next school year. Please note that the class schedules and the school year calendar for the 2023-2024 school year will be posted by May 1. 

2024-2025 School Year Calendar

Registration Information

Spectrum uses online registration on this website.

Details about using our registration system will be available by May 1. 

Expectations of Spectrum Students

"Whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." 1 Corinthians 10:31

At Spectrum we expect that all students understand and display self-government. This will be evident as the students do the following:

  • Dress appropriately. Students should dress neatly, modestly, and with consideration for others. Parents should provide guidance to ensure that this happens.
  • Use edifying language. Students should be considerate in their speech, avoiding the use of divisive, foul, profane and/or inappropriate language.
  • Show respect and act responsibly. Students should treat each other and all adults with respectStudents should come prepared for class and be where they are supposed to be at all times.
  • Required assignments are essential for class participation; coursework must be completed before class for students to participate meaningfully in class discussions and activities.
  • Cooperate. During class, students will be encouraged to participate in discussions. Using electronic devices, passing notes, talking out of turn, working on other assignments, and disrupting in any other way are prohibited.
  • Participate with a Christ-like attitude and work as unto the Lord. Students are expected to be cheerful, willing, and, when addressed, to respond with immediate compliance.
  • Use electronic devices responsibly. 
    • Cell phones may not be used during school hours except with permission of the SAS or a Spectrum teacher. Cell phones may be left on vibrate for emergencies/parent contact only.
    • Electronics are for each student’s personal use; devices may not be shared. They may be used for educational purposes only (school work completion, research, note taking) during the Spectrum school day. Use of electronic devices to play video games, access social media, watch non-educational videos, etc. is prohibited during the school day. 
    • Electronic device use will be monitored. Electronic devices used for any reason other than those listed above may be taken by the SAS or teacher until the end of the school day.
    • SCHC will not be held responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged electronic devices.
  • Engage in quiet activity during study hall. Students may talk in low voices as long as they are respectful of others who are studying or working. Students should work on school work during study hall, but they may also play quiet games, draw, craft, read, etc. 
  • Adhere to pick-up policies. Each student must have a completed Pick-Up Plan on the website indicating that the student will (a) be picked up by a parent (or designated others) in the building, (b) be picked up by a parent (or designated others) in the parking lot, or (c) check him- or herself out to walk or drive home. For students who are being picked up, a student may not exit the building until the SAS sees the parent or designated other and releases the student. Any other arrangements must be made in writing with the SAS. Please remember, if you pick up your child more than 5 minutes after the end of his or her last class, a $3 late fee per student is automatically charged to your account.

ACADEMIC INTEGRITY POLICY. Spectrum students are expected to demonstrate integrity, honesty, fairness, and independent critical thinking in the completion of their academic work, including any homework assignment, essay, research paper, artwork, or any other academic work. Students are expected to take responsibility for their actions and for the resulting consequences. Academic misconduct includes any behavior that intends to give a student an unfair advantage on any assignment and includes the following:

  • Use of AI/Chat GPT tools — using AI-based tools, such as Chat GPT, Grammarly, etc., for generating content that is submitted for academic credit. All submitted work must be the result of the student's own effort. Spectrum teachers, staff, and OC members reserve the right to use AI detection tools and other methods to identify the use of AI-generated content in student submissions.
  • Plagiarism — using someone else's ideas or words and passing them off as one's own without proper citation
  • Collusion — contributing to the academic misconduct of another student, i.e. collaborating with another student when the teacher expects individual work, allowing another student to copy and submit one's own work, etc.
  • Cheating — gaining an advantage on an assignment or test by any other prohibited method, for example, using an electronic device to find answers, sharing answers with another student, etc.

If a student is caught engaging in academic dishonesty, the following will occur:

  • The student will earn a zero for the assignment with no chance of making up the assignment. 
  • The teacher will explain to the student his or her offense and provide evidence where appropriate. If there are additional consequences, these will be explained to the student as well. 
  • The teacher will communicate with the student's parent and inform the Oversight Committee of the student's offense and consequences. 
  • If a teacher suspects academic dishonesty, he or she may communicate with the Oversight Committee for support. 

Maintaining academic integrity and fostering independent learning are core values of Spectrum Christian Homeschool Community. This Academic Integrity Policy is designed to support these values and ensure that all students are assessed on their own abilities and efforts.

COMPLETION OF REQUIRED COURSEWORK POLICY. Spectrum students are expected to attend classes regularly and consistently complete classwork and homework as assigned by their teachers. Such work must be completed by class deadlines and using the teacher's required guidelines. If at any time during the academic year a student does not attend class regularly and/or does not consistently complete required classwork and homework for a particular class, the student will be removed from that class (1) without a refund of tuition and (2) with a continued commitment to pay tuition for the class for the remainder of the school year.